วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Double A

Environment Care Mission
In tune to its mission, Double A adheres to environmental management policies for its operation. The company faithfully practices international standards and spearheads significant environmental campaigns. As evidence, the company has received commendations/awards in Thailand and all over the world for its unwavering corporate social and environmental responsibility.
Farmed Trees Concept
Studies have been conducted to find a special tree that best suits the bounty soil of Thailand. Fortunately, with intensive research efforts, a fast growing tree was developed. The advancement does not only benefit the company but at the same time promotes economic sustainability by providing extra income to almost 1.5 million farmer families in Thailand. The Paper tree can be correspondingly planted with other agricultural products such as rice, cassava, and tapioca. The company gets its raw materials from these Farmed Trees unlike other paper manufacturers who deliberately abuse the natural forest.
Own Constructed Reservoir
Double A has its own constructed reservoir called “Emerald Lake”. The company collects surplus water from the year round rainfall. It started its construction in 1991 and was subsequently finished for operation in 1995. The company spent 400 million bath for the construction of this gargantuan project. The reservoir measures 1,920,000 square meters and has a capacity of 36 million cubic meters. http://www.doubleapaper.com/ http://www.doubleapaper.com/
Modern Water Treatment System
Double A uses state of the art biological treatment system called the “bacteria digestion process” in treating contaminated water. The process is said to be compatible with Scandinavian standards.Preliminary process: First, foreign materials (such as wood pieces) from the waste water is removed using a golden sieve. Second, the filtered water is put into a mixing pond to adjust the alkaline content (fit for bacteria operation and pulp precipitation). Lastly, the temperature is adjusted and Urea Phosphate is added (a special compound which increases the efficiency of bacteria to digest contaminated water).
The filtered water from the first process is delivered to an air accumulation pond wherein the oxygen content is increased. It will then digest all the contaminated substances and exhaust it. Lastly, dregs are separated through the sediment tanks, and thus produce clean water (with the right BOD and COD level compatible with regulated standard from the Factory Bureau) as a finished result.
After the treatment, it will be stored in a pond and will be used to water the factory yard and Paper Trees. After the treatment, it will be stored in a pond and will be used to water the factory yard and Paper Trees. We have our plantations about 20000 – 30000 Rai and consumed treated water 100000 m3 /day
Low water consumption (dry process)
The company uses a special dry process in making wood chips. It does not use the traditional practice of immersing wood to the water in order to peel off the bark. Lowest water consumption for pulp bleaching process
With the use of modern technology, the company uses only 6-7 cubic meter per ton of pulp in its bleaching process compared to other factories who usually consumes over a hefty 60 cubic meter per ton of pulp. Bleaching system with ECF The Company uses the latest bleaching process that is Elementary Chlorine Free (ECF). The method is said to be Chlorine gas free and does not produce dioxin which is said to be harmful to the environment.
Waste Utilization

Wood bark, chips, used water with Lignin, and sludge is utilized as fuel to produce steam/energy. The produced electricity is supplied through the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand under the Small Power Producing project (SPP).This helps to reduce import petrol around 200 million litres per year. Likewise, the Carbon Dioxide from the Power and Recovery Plant is transformed into PCC or Precipitated Calcium Carbonate which is used as an ingredient in producing quality (bright) paper.
Recycling system for chemical substances

In order to generate electricity from the used water, reagents from the previous processes are recycled. Likewise, Calcium Carbonate is added and used (produces limestone) to the reaction.
Quality of Air

The foul smell produced during the boiling process is eliminated by immersing limestone in the Recovery Boiler. Likewise, Pulp Mill 2 uses a burning process called “Quench System” wherein the smoke is transformed into Methanol (a kind of fuel). In case the Quench System is not available, the company uses the “Flare System” as an alternative option. In addition, the “Electro Static Precipitator” (ESP) decimates 99% of the dust and provides efficient 24 hour operation.
Quality of Noise
The noise produced in the Wood Chip Plant (60 decibels) is lower than the normal rate set by the Industrial Ministry. With this, the site is said to be employee/community friendly.
Member of TBSCD
A member of the Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development (TBCSD) which advocates environmental management in the business sector.
Member of WWF
A member of World Wild Fund (WWF Thailand) . WWF is the Global Conservation Organization that has been actively involved in nature conservation for more than four decades.http://www.doubleapaper.com/

Lowest water consumption for pulp bleaching process With the use of modern technology, the company uses only 6-7 cubic meter per ton of pulp in its bleaching process compared to other factories who usually consumes over a hefty 60 cubic meter per ton of pulp.

Double A has its own constructed reservoir called “Emerald Lake”. The company collects surplus water from the year round rainfall. It started its construction in 1991 and was subsequently finished for operation in 1995. The company spent 400 million bath for the construction of this gargantuan project. The reservoir measures 1,920,000 square meters and has a capacity of 36 million cubic meters.

คำศัพท์ (แปลอังกฤษเป็นไทย)

1. biological (n)ทางชีววิทยา
2. treatment (n)การดูแล
3. system (n)ระบบ
4. bacteria(p)แบคทีเรีย
5. digestion(n)การย่อยอาหาร
6. process(n)การเติบโต
7. treating(n)อาหาร
8. contaminated(n)ปนเปื้อน
9. compatible(adj) อยู่รวมกัน
10. preliminary(n)ขั้นต้น
11. foreign(adj) ต่างประเทศ
12. materials(n)วัตถุดิบ
13. wood(n)ไม้
14. piece(n)ชื้น
15. removed(v)ซึ่งห่างไกล
16. golden(adj)ทองคำ
17. second(n)ต่อมา
18. filtered(n) เครื่องกรอง
19. mixing(n)ผสม
20. adjust(v)เปลี่ยน
21. alkaline(adj)เป็นต่าง
22. content(n)สาร
23. precipitation(n)การตกตะกอน
24. lastly(adv)สุดท้าย
25. temperat(n)อุณหภูมิ
26. adjusted(n)ปรับเปลี่ยน
27. spcial(v)เฉพาะ
28. compound(n)ผสม
29. increases(adj)เพิ่มเติม
30. efficiency(n)มีประสิทธิ์ภาพ
31. exhaust (v)ควันเสีย
32. dregs(n)ไร้ค่า
33. separated(adv)แยกออก
34. sediment(n)ตะกอน
35. tanks(adj)ถังขนาดใหญ่
36. thus(adv)ดังนั้น
37. produce(v)ผลผลิต
38. clean(adj)บริสุทธิ์
39. compatible(n)อยู่ร่วมกัน
40. regulated(n)ควบคุม
41. factory(n)โรงงาน
42. bureau(n)สำนักงาน
43. treatment(n)ทางปฏิบัติ
44. stored(n)ปริมาณมาก
45. plantations(n)ส่วน
46. consumed(adv)เปลือง
47. mission(n)คณะผู้แทน
48. operation(n)กิจการทางธุรกิจ
49. faithfully(adv)จงรักภักดี
50. practices(n)วิธีปฎิบัติ
51. standards(n)มาตราฐาน
52. spearheads(n)ผู้นำหน้า
53. significant(adj)ซึ่งมีความหมาย
54. environmental(adj)สภาพแวดล้อม
55. cainpaigns(adj)การรณรงค์
56. evidence(v)หลักฐาน
57. received(n)รับ
58. square(n)แผ่นกระดาษ
59. unwavering(adj)เกี่ยวกับบริษัท
60. social(adj)สังคม
61. responsibilit(n)ความรับผิดชอบ
62. conducted(n)ประพฤติ
63. special(adj)พิเศษ
64. bounty(n)ปริมาณมาก
65. soil(n)กิน
66. fortunately(n)อย่างโชคดี
67. intensive(adj)ละเอียด
68. efforts(n)ความพยายาม
69. growing(v)กำลังพัฒนา
70. developed(n)พัฒนาแล้ว
71. advancement(n)การเติบโตแล้ว
72. benefit(n)ผลประโยชน์
73. economic(adj)เศรษฐกิจ
74. providing(pp)จัดหาให้
75. extra(adj)เป็นพิเศษ
76. income(adj)รายได้
77. farmer(n)ชาวนา
78. correspondingly(adj)เหมือนกัน
79. planted(n)ก่อตั้ง
80. agricultural(n)เกี่ยวกับเกษตรกรรม
81. cassava(adj)มันสำปะหลัง
82. materials(n)วัตถุดิบ
83. unlike(v)ซึ่งแตกต่าง
84. manufactacturers(n)ผู้ผลิต
85. deliberately(n)อย่างรอบคอบ
86. natural(adj)ธรรมชาติ
87. forest(n)ป่า
88. constructed(n)สร้าง
89. reservoir(n)ที่เก็บสะสม
90. measures(n)ชั้นหิน
91. collects(n)เก็บรวบรวม
92. surplus(adj)ส่วนที่เหลือ
93. rainfall(n)น้ำฝนที่ตกลงมา
94. construction(n)การคิดเห็น
95. subsequently(adv)ความสำคัญ
96. operation(n)การดำเนินการ
97. spent(v)จ่ายเงิน
98. construction(n)ก่อสร้าง
99. gargantuan(adj)มโหฬาร
100. project(adj)โครงการ


  1. mission : an important official job that aporson or groupof people is given to do espescially when they are sent to another contry

  2. opertiom :the process of fopen apart of apersons body in order to remove or repaira damaged part

  3. Treatment:Something that is done to cure an illness or injury, to make sb look and feel good.

  4. System:An organized set of ideas or theories or a particular way of doing sth-see also BINARY, THE METRIC SYSTEM

  5. Bacteria:The simplest and smallest Forms of plant life. Bacteria exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease.

  6. Digestion:The process of digesting food- compare INDIGESTION

  7. Process:A series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result.

  8. Treatise:A long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject

  9. Contaminated:To make a substance or place dirty or no longer pure by adding a substance a substance that is dangerous or carries disease

  10. Compatible:(Of machines, especially computers) able to be used together.

  11. Process:To walk or move along slowly in, or as if in, a procession.

  12. Preliminary:Happening before a more important action or event(SYN)INITIAL

  13. Foreign:In or from a country that is not your own.

  14. Materials:Cloth used for making clothes, etc.

  15. Wood:The hard material that the TRUNK and made of; this material when it is used to build or make things with, or as a fuel

  16. Pieces:(used especially with of and uncountable nouns) an amount of sth that has been cut or separated from the rest of it; a standard amount of sth:

  17. Mixing:A large bowl for mixing food.

  18. Adjust:To change sth slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions for a new set of conditions or to make it work better.

  19. Alkaline:(Chemistry) having the nature of an alkali.

  20. Content:The things that are contained in sth

  21. Precipitation:(Technical) rain, snow, etc. that falls; the amount of this that falls.

  22. Lastly:Used to introduce the final point that you want to make

  23. Temperature:The measurement in degrees of how not or cold a thing or place.

  24. Adjusted:To change sth slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better.

  25. Special:(Usually before noun) hot ordinary or usual; different from what is normal.

  26. Compound:A thing consisting of two or more separate things combined together.

  27. Increases:A rise in the amount, number or value of sth.

  28. Efficiency:The quality of doing sth well with no waste of time or money.

  29. Exhaust:Waste gases that come out of a vehicle, an engine or a machine.

  30. Dregs:The last drops of a liquid, mixed with little pieces of solid material that are left in the bottom of a container.

  31. Separated:No longer living with your husband, wife or partner

  32. Sediment:The solid material that settles at bottom of a lipoid

  33. Tanks:A large container for holding liquid.

  34. Clean:Not dirty

  35. Compatible:(Of machines, especially computers) able to be used together.

  36. Regulated:To control sth by means of rules.

  37. Factory:A building or group of buildings where goods are made.

  38. Bureau:An office or organization that provides information on a particular subject.

  39. Result:A thing that is caused or produced of sth else.

  40. Treatment:A way of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing.

  41. Stored:A large shop that sells many different types of goods

  42. Plantation:A large area of land that is planted with trees to produce wood

  43. Consumed:To use sth, especially fuel, energy or time.

  44. Faithfully:Accurately; carefully.

  45. Practices:Action rather than ideas.

  46. Standards:A unit of measurement that is officially used; an official rule used when producing sth.

  47. Spearheads:A person or group that begins an activity or leads an attack against sb/sth.

  48. Significant:Large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed.

  49. Environmental:Connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals and plants live; connected with the environment.

  50. Evidence:The information that is used in a court of law to try to prow sth.

  51. Received:Accepted by most people as being correct.

  52. Unwavering:Not changing or becoming weaker in any way

  53. Corporate:Connected with a corporation

  54. Responsibility:A duty to help or take care of sb because of your job, position, etc.

  55. Conducted:To organize and/or do a particular activity.

  56. Special:Not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal.

  57. Bounty:Generous actions; sth provided in large quantities.

  58. Fortunately:By good luck.

  59. Intensive:Involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time.

  60. Efforts:An attempt to do sth especially when it is difficult to do.

  61. Growing:Increasing in size, amount or degree.

  62. Economic:Connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society.

  63. Developed:In am advanced state.

  64. Advancement:Progress in a job, social class. etc.

  65. Benefit:To be in a better position because of sth.

  66. Providing:PROVIDED

  67. Campaigns:A series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim.

  68. Extra:A thing that is added to sth that is not usual, standard or necessary and that costs more.

  69. Income:The money that a person, a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money from business, etc

  70. Farmer:A person who owns or manages a farm.

  71. Correspondingly:Matching or connected with sth that you have just mentioned.

  72. Planted:A factory or place where power is produced or an industrial process takes place.

  73. Agricultural:The science or practice of farming.

  74. Cassava:A type of flour made the

  75. Raw:Thick roots of a tropical plant.

  76. Materials:Cloth used for making clothes, etc.

  77. Unlike:Different from a particular person or thing.

  78. Manufacturers:A person or company that produces goods in large quantities.

  79. Deliberately:Slowly and carefully.

  80. Natural:Normal; as you would expect.

  81. Forest:A large area of land that is thickly covered with treed.

  82. Constructed:To from sth by putting different things together

  83. Reservoir:A large amount of sth that is available to be used.

  84. Collects:To bring things together from different people or places.

  85. Rainfall:The total amount of rain that falls in a particular area in an occasion when rain falls.

  86. Construction:The way that sth has been built or made.

  87. Surplus:An amount that is extra or more than you need.

  88. Subsequently:Afterwards; later; after sth else has happened.

  89. Operation:An organized activity that involves several people doing different things.

  90. Construction:The way that sth has been built or made.

  91. Gargantuan:(Usually before nouns) extremely large.

  92. Project:A planned piece of work that is designed to find information about sth, to produce sth new, or to improve sth.

  93. Reservoir:A large amount of sth that is available to be used.

  94. Measures:To find the size, quantity, etc. of sth in standard units.

  95. Square:Having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90

  96. Capacity:The number of things or people that a container of space can hold.

  97. Removed:To take off clothing etc. from the body.

  98. Golden:Bright yellow in color like gold.

  99. Second:After one other person or thing in order of importance.

  100. Filtered:To move slowly in a particular direction.

ประโยค Context clues
1. Environment Care Mission.
2. Farmed Trees Concept.
3. Own Constructed Reservoir.
4. Modern Water Treatment System.
5. After the treatment, it will be stores in a pond and will be used to water the factory yard and Paper trees

บทความ Type of text organization
1. In tune to its mission, Double A adheres to environmental management policies for its operation.
2. Double A has its is own constructed reservoir called “Emerald lake”.
3. Double A uses state of the art biological system called the “bacteria digestion process” in treating contaminated water.

รายการ SUFFIX

no / word / Part of speech / prefix / root / Suffix / suffixes

  1. operation /-ion

  2. faithfully/-fully

  3. practices/-ices

  4. significant/-cant

  5. campaigns/-paigns

  6. social/-paigns

  7. special/-cial

  8. bounty/-ty

  9. fortunately/-tely

  10. growing/-ing

  11. Providing/-ing

  12. benefit/-fit

  13. extra/-tra

  14. farmer/-mer

  15. planted/-ted

  16. deliberately/-tely

  17. natural/-tural

  18. emerald/-ald

  19. system/-stem

  20. mission/-ion

  21. treating/-ting

  22. consumed/-sumed

  23. plantation/-tation

  24. golden/-den

  25. comsumption/-tion

รายการ prefix

  1. in-/income

  2. un-/unlike

  3. in-/increased

  4. re-/reaction

  5. re-/research

  6. ex-/extra

  7. no-/noise

ที่มา http://www.doubleapaper.com/

